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We'll advise you on how to secure the best possible repayment terms and help you achieve a better balance of good debt to bad debt.

Good Debt

“Good” debt is when you borrow to invest to purchase wealth-building assets – meaning assets that are likely to increase in value over time and/or give you an income. Good debt may also be tax deductible. An example of good debt is borrowing to purchase shares or an investment property.

How we can help

Knowing how to manage your debt can help you take control of your financial future and manage your cashflow. We can recommend a debt management plan to help you pay down your bad debt whilst using good debt to build long term wealth.

Bad Debt

“Bad” debt is a loan used to purchase non-income producing assets and where the interest on the loan is not tax deductible. Using a credit card or a personal loan to fund a holiday or to buy luxury items are examples of taking on bad debt.

Greg Ryan

Director and Financial Adviser

Greg Ryan

Director and Financial Adviser